Credability Systems Blog

Optimise your business processes with Bulk Scanning

Written by Jess H | Feb 5, 2024 10:07:54 PM

As a Plan Manager, processing large numbers of complex invoices can be a time-consuming and manual task. Depending on the number of Participants and the number of invoices, you could be spending endless hours or paying additional wages for processing claims that far outweigh the monthly reimbursement fee. 

Credability Systems has developed an innovative bulk scanning solution for Planability that is the workhorse you never knew you needed in your business. It will reduce human error, increase accuracy, and free up time to focus on what’s important for your business.

The system has been designed and tested specifically for Plan Managers to ensure it reads and inputs all of the key NDIS information required such as Participant details, service provider information, service details and totals, dates, dollars and unit figures. It can identify non face-to-face, cancellations and provider travel services, automatically adjusts rounding errors and will even convert minutes to decimals!

“I processed an invoice that was 8 pages long in ~2 minutes or less, this would normally take me 20-30 minutes“

John Collins, Plan Manage Assist

So how does Planability's bulk scanning work?

Simply select and upload or drag and drop up to 50 invoices into Scanability to start scanning. Whether you’re scanning a single invoice or multiple, they will all be scanned simultaneously and ready for review in seconds.

The system reads the required information from the invoice and automatically generates Planability claims for you to review. Verify the claim side-by-side with the scanned invoice in the Planability window, before submitting using Planability's 'Real-time' claims processing

"In my opinion, Bulk Invoice Scanning is a direct and instantaneous return on investment that far exceeds any other improvement a plan management company make to their business. It would effectively be costing agencies to continue without utilising this feature.

We have been able to scale our participant to staff ratio while simultaneously increasing the level of customer service due to the increased capacity. At the same time, key processing accuracy (participant, provider and total due) has been nearly eliminated by reducing the opportunity for human error.

I have adopted various OCR and Scanning techniques to automate workflows in other roles since 2014 and this feature, implemented and backed by your customer support, is the best by far. This is especially impressive considering the complexity of the NDIS"

Rehan Lowmass, Orange Plan Management

Have you seen it in action? 

We've developed a short demonstration video so you can see for yourself how easily bulk scanning integrates into Planability and the individual steps from scanning invoices to processing claims. 


Are you ready to get started?

If you are a Planability client this option is available for you start using at any time. Simply select Bulk Scanning from the Claims menu and drag and drop your invoices. There are additional usage costs, at an Ad Hoc rate, or for unlimited usage. You can monitor your scanning usage using the Agency Usage Report, which can be access by Directors and Plan Managers with elevated Agency permissions.

If you're not yet using Planability, then the first step is to contact our friendly team for a free demonstration. Simply click the button below to get in contact.

"I have to say Planability has certainly made a significant impact to the business and streamlined our entire process, saving us considerable time and money."

Matt York, Barossa Enterprises