The NDIS Review: How it will affect Planability customers

Copy of NDIS Review Final Report (1)

Like many others, I was astonished at the statements made by the The Hon Bill Shorten MP at the National Press Club on Thursday, however I would like to reassure everyone that there is no need to panic.

We are committed to the Plan Management sector, we're here to stay, and ready to fight on your behalf!

The NDIS Review Final Report has outlined 26 recommendations and 139 proposed actions to improve the NDIS. For the most part, the recommendations are sound and can create meaningful change to the sustainability of the scheme and quality of Participant's lives.

We do, however, have a real problem with the recommendation to transition away from Plan Management.

As you may be aware, Angela Vithoulkas appeared on ABC's The Drum on Thursday 7th December to discuss the review, calling the Minister's comments about Plan Management 'short-sighted'. Angela is ready for this fight and we encourage you to reach out to her to share your experiences and situation -  

First and foremost, we want to reassure you that the proposed transition is not an instant eradication of the crucial role of Plan Management. The reality is that implementing such significant changes will take time – an estimated 5 years or more - "Our recommendations must be considered and implemented as a package over a
five-year transition period." Source: NDIS Review Final Report, 2023, Page 270.

With this, there are multiple considerations:

  • The enormous task of developing yet another software platform for the NDIS that automates the claims and payments process, including the time needed to co-design and build the system, and all of the processes and support infrastructure that goes with it. This will take 2-3 years to complete from the start of development.
  • At least 12 months additional time to test and implement any new system (let alone one that processes billions of dollars in electronic payments), and then migrate 630,000+ Participants onto the platform. As we've recently seen with PACE, there can be delays and teething issues.
  • The NDIA would need to hire 6,000+ additional personnel to replace the necessary financial oversight provided by Plan Managers. 
  • 380,000+ Participants have made a conscious choice to use a Plan Manager. Is the Government going to take away this choice from Participants?
  • There is a federal election due in the next 18 months, and a change in Government may result in significant amendments to the implementation of the NDIS Review recommendations.

"The transition to the digital payment system will however take time. In the interim, Plan Managers still have an important role to play in supporting prevention, detection and response to non-compliance, sharp practice and fraud. In the longer term, as the digital capabilities of the NDIS grow, plan management is likely to need to
change significantly." Source: NDIS Review Final Report, Page 162.

The NDIS Review Final Report recommends technology that incorporates (near) real-time transactions, faster payments, and greater visibility for all stakeholders. We firmly believe that Planability already provides the technology that is so heavily sought-after in this review.

What can you do?

While the current situation may seem discouraging and emotionally-charged, we encourage you to focus your efforts on the present. It is more important than ever to ensure the Plan Management role is indispensable to the NDIA and to your participants. Consider some of these suggestions:

  • Strengthening relationships is paramount, and we suggest reaching out personally to each of your participants and/or their nominees. A simple check-in can go a long way in demonstrating your dedication to their well-being and providing irreplaceable human interaction.
  • Use your expertise in financial management to ensure you are offering valuable and proactive advice on budget management, and impart your insights to empower Participants to navigate their plans.
  • Education is key to understanding the changes, but ensure you're sticking to reputable sources of information. The NDIS Review consists of a Final Report, Supporting Analysis, and 10 Fact Sheets that you should familiarise yourself with. There are also FAQ's, Easy-Read versions, and a Guide for people with disability and their families that you can share with your Participants.
  • Visit our helpful Resource Page for a wide range of informative resources collated to help you, your staff, and your Participants.

What will we do?

One of the key recommendations affecting the Plan Management Industry is Number 10: Invest in digital infrastructure for the NDIS to enable accessible, timely and reliable information and streamlined processes that strengthen NDIS market functioning and scheme integrity.  

"Over time, digital payment systems and the increased support of Navigators in helping participants manage their budgets will reduce the demand for some functions of plan management." Source: NDIS Review Final Report, Page 162.

We are committed to developing the best technology for Plan Managers, in whatever format the NDIA requires it to be. We have been pioneering technology since we first started working in the NDIS space, and will continue to develop our ecosystem of products to better suit the direction of the NDIS of the future. From improvements in scanning, to front-end usability enhancements, to more API-driven services, we are committed to making the process of submitting claims faster and less laborious.

We will continue to invest time and efforts into ongoing advocacy for Plan Managers with Angela leading the charge. This includes the lobbying of the Minister, the Opposition, and all key stakeholders and decision-makers within the NDIS. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Angela through our Advocacy contact -

We are here to support you every step of the way.


We understand that this news may raise concerns about the future of plan management and the impact on your business or livelihood. If you or anyone you know needs support at any time, you can contact the following confidential services which are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

− Beyond Blue Support Service - 1300 224 636 or

− Lifeline Crisis Support - 13 11 14 or