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Planability: So Much More Than Automation

Planability Automation

At Credability Systems, our team has years of experience in understanding the complexities of NDIS Plan Management and the critical need for agencies to achieve efficiency without compromising accuracy. That’s why Planability goes beyond simple workflow automation — we provide intelligent tools that not only reduce time spent on daily tasks but also safeguard the integrity of claims processing. Here’s how Planability empowers plan managers to focus on what they do best - supporting participants.

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Supercharge your Productivity: Why API Connections are the secret ingredient

APIs Explained (1)Even for experienced users, it can be difficult to understand the terminology and technology that powers Planability. We’ve asked our Credability Systems 'tech gurus' to clearly explain what makes Planability so unique from any other Plan Management software, and then translated their tech talk into these simple answers...

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Welcome Angela Vithoulkas to the Credability Systems Board

Angela Vithoulkas joins Credability Systems

Credability Systems is excited to announce the appointment of Angela Vithoulkas as a Non-Executive Director at Credability Systems. Angela has been working closely with Credability Systems for the past 6 months to deepen her understanding of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the unique role that Plan Managers play as a financial intermediary for the scheme.

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Why Plan Managers Love Planability

Why you need Planability (1)

Plan Managers are reimbursed a fixed rate per participant per month for their services. Successful plan management revolves around improving business efficiencies and streamlining daily administrative tasks. Many Plan Managers choose to use purpose-built software to assist with this, and hundreds of Plan Managers are turning to Planability as a future-proof solution for their business.

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Myth-Busting Plan Management


PACE Update

NDIS participants have the choice and control to manage their own plans or have the agency or a plan manager assist them. Currently, 59% of NDIS Participants are supported under plan management. However, we still see several misconceptions or myths about plan management that can make choosing the process seem daunting or confusing.

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Funding Management Types for NDIS Plans

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funding can be used to access a range of supports and services, including therapies, equipment, and personal care. There are different ways of managing the funding allocated to a participant - Agency-managed, Self-managed, and Plan-managed, or Participants may choose a combination of the above.

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4 Tips to Grow your Plan Management Business

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At Credability systems, we see Plan Management at the heart of a successful NDIS. The management of an NDIS plan is a unique role and can be a time-consuming process. With compensation capped at a set rate per participant, streamlining business processes is the best option for continued growth. We’ve gathered four tips for Plan Managers to create a more efficient workflow and help them grow their business.

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