Credability Systems Blog

Plan Managers Advocacy Group response to media reports.

Written by Angela Vithoulkas | Mar 19, 2024 10:37:37 PM

20th March 2024: This weekend we were disturbed to read an article in the Sunday papers calling out an entire industry of Plan Managers as 'Parasitic pen-pushers' 'scamming millions from taxpayers and disabled Aussies'.

This is just another kick for the dedicated Plan Managers who have already persisted through years of stagnated fees, a disorganised and chaotic IT system rollout, review recommendations that would see their small businesses wiped out, and not to mention last year's 'ticket clipping' comments from the government.  

Plan Managers have had enough of taking the blame, they are on the front line for identifying dodgy providers, overcharging, sharp practices, and outright fraud. They often take additional unpaid time to report these with little or no outcome or response from the agency. Instead of working with and supporting them to assist in identification, the government is embarking on a targeted campaign to undermine their value.

Credability Systems' plan managers are small business owners. They're working diligently in their Participants' best interests, using software that supports them in preventing duplication of services, blocking incorrect pricing and support parameters as well as identifying cancelled company ABN's. They have not received any increase to the monthly flat fee of $104.45 in over 4 years despite rising business and living costs, but continue to tirelessly navigate the increasingly complex systems of the NDIS on behalf of their Participants

We acknowledge that unfortunately fraud exists in the NDIS, and this needs to be addressed. However, name-calling the very people who are in a position to help identify and minimise fraud is not the solution. Plan Managers Advocacy Group would welcome the opportunity to meet with the government and work collectively towards a solution for the betterment of the NDIS and Participants.

Plan Managers Advocacy Group is hosting its first webinar on Wednesday 20th March at 1pm AEDT to discuss the NDIS Review recommendations and their impact on the future of plan management. Angela will be joined by Senator Hollie Hughes, Shadow Assistant Minister for NDIS, as well as an industry panel consisting of:

  • Jess Harper, Disability Intermediaries Australia
  • Bianca Shapiro, MyCareSpace and Plan Hero
  • Rehan Lowmass, Orange Plan Management
  • Simon Edwards, Credability Systems

About Plan Managers Advocacy Group

Plan Managers are an essential and valuable role within the NDIS, providing financial oversight for billions of dollars of taxpayers money, and relieving the administrative burden of almost 400,000 Participants in managing their plan funds. However, their livelihoods are being undervalued and belittled by government, the NDIA, and the NDIS Review. 

Plan Managers Advocacy Group was established as a collective effort to amplify the voices of plan managers and their supporters, advocating for policies that support the sustainability and integrity of NDIS plan management. It is led by Angela Vithoulkas, small business advocate and Non-executive director of Credability Systems. Angela has vowed to help plan managers petition government for not only the future of their small businesses, but for 62% of Participants who will lose their choice and control if Plan Managers are wiped out by the government.

Find out more and join: 

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